Friday, November 13, 2009

How women are bad?

we all know that males sexual drive is far moe than woman

for many factors and reasons such as :

- testosterone levels differences ( the hormone of sex drive) man have 20 times more than woman

- men are very visual and turned on by woman's body unlike woman who is only emotional

-man is extremly attracted to woman on all ways , emotional , physical,visual , audioal..all

-women are tought science thier are child that sex is not allowed and if she express she will be a slut

- women show thier bodies which make men all the time horney by what they see in movies,net,streets,beach..etc but men dont show thier bodies as women%26amp;also women are not visual

- women have bisexual arousal patern which mean they can be aroused by both sexes unlike man who is attracted to opposite sex only

-women are very attractive %26amp;soft and curvy which increase man's desire unlike man who is raugh and have body hair

- some experts say men are more emotional but they dont express it freely like women we who

How women are bad?

Why what a crock. Sorry buddy those are some good statistics but doesn't paint the picture right. I'm pretty sure after going all of that you still don't have your own answer to why women are the way they are. Let me let you in on a little secert. Sex is a need, like eat, sleeping, sh!ting, drinking, etc And the fact is people can put needs in the place of other needs are even wants. We are not simple creatures, none of us, and we you don't give credit to each person individuality your going down the wrong path. You never gave credit to the fact that women are more acceptiable to testorone then men, you don't give credit to individual sexuality which means you've lost any arguement with homosexuality invovled, and you haven't really given any credit to social conditioning, which would explain the differents in emotional acceptance between the sexes. But explain to me buddy why more and more females are showing male sexuality charateristics? Is it because they take hormone shoots? Are maybe it has to do with individuals ability to accept what is need and what is not. No offense I hate it when people generlize the sexes like this....

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