Monday, November 16, 2009

The Metro Sexual World For Men?

Okay i think men have come a long way in the last ten years. But have we become too femine or is it about time we looked after our hygiene and health. Men's Skin Care Products - Mens Hair Straighteners, The Man Bag, Hair Salon (not Barbors), Fake Tan. Male Make UP. These are just some of the new editions to the 21'st Century modern man. Of course i'm not saying that all men have this inventory in their bathroom cabinet, but there are plenty that do. What are you feelings on this. Is about time men started looking after our hygiene and health or have we become too femine.

The Metro Sexual World For Men?

Everyone is going to differ on their opinion as to what goes too far in the male hygienic subject. When does it cross the line?

Remember, in our not too distant pass, men dressed up in these lavish elaborate costumes that today we would consider to be flaming homosexual display. But back then was considered to be routine for the affluent. And if you didn't dress that way you were either nonconforming or poor. These men were both extremely heterosexual and homosexual. Back then, it was just harder to distinguish the two.

Any person, male or female, should have the right to be as hygienic or non hygienic as they wish. Of course, what might be acceptable to one person might be unacceptable to another. But, why should one person be the representative of another person? Why, if one person goes to great lengths to manage his hygiene, represent what is considered masculine and "manly" like a roughneck cowboy? And why would a "metrosexual", carefully manicured person be the representative of a culture of oil drillers and mechanics?

Every person has his own style which they wish to portray to the world, and one should not have to clash with the other. There is an audience and appeal for all types of styles.

In the immortal words of Rodney King.....

"Why can't we all just get along?


The Metro Sexual World For Men?

I'm all for a guy with good hygiene

The Metro Sexual World For Men?

Metro Sexual = homosexual(gay).

The Metro Sexual World For Men?

As a man you have the oppurtunity to be whatever you wanna be, just as long as it doesnt lean on the rights of others. Yeah go ahead and be metrosexual. Just as long as you dont require hours to head out just for the convenience store!

The Metro Sexual World For Men?

Cough! cough! your gay! cough!

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