Wednesday, November 11, 2009

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

when is the mans hair at the legs stops ...not even a single hair stops grows

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

it is variable..

but most of time it satrs after 40's since level of testosterone start to delcline after that age.

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

EVERY body who has unwanted hair on face and body hate it and want to get rid of it. If you have tried, temporary methods such as waxing, tweezing, bleaching, shaving or even lasers and electrolysis, thermolysis etc. You see all hair or most of it comes back.

These are people who tweeze more than 500 hairs daily and some of the pores start bleeding when you tweeze or wax since the blood vessel feeding the hair has becomes very large. If you are contemplating laser treatment you need to remember it is a temporary treatment. You will only see a reduction in a your hair growth and never permanence. Hair will come back after a few years. Some people have seen an increase in hair growth after laser treatment-- when they stop the course especially on neck and cheeks.

so there is a simple way live as you are because you are made beautiful in every way your creator has made you

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

25 yrs

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

there is no ranging when man stop hair growth.

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

Never till death

At what age is the growth of the man's body hair stops completly.?

say 60,variable ,depends on testosterone ,male hormone level

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