Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can i groom my shitz zu?

my dog needs to be groom! can i do it my self? can i use good sissors and a regular men's clipper for hair and beard? also he has fleas i bathe him and put flea medicene but they keep coming back,

Can i groom my shitz zu?

HI I own a Shih Tzu and I groomed him by myself and he is fine I didn't have the special DOG clippers but the powerful men clippers and they worked just fine it could have been better but it did what needed to be done and he remained handsome as ever no one could tell that I did it LOL, I had to keep him still of course because dogs move A LOT especially if you are using a loud equipment like clippers that can scare them a little! but I had to keep still even though he moved.

If you aren't sure what to do then I suggest you go to a dog groomer that way you know it's going to be done right hopefully!


Can i groom my shitz zu?

The fleas are probably in the house, in the carpet, couch, etc. not just on the dog.

Can i groom my shitz zu?

If you get a pair they make good slippers.

Can i groom my shitz zu?

since shitz zus have long hair, u might want to go to a professional groomer so you won't get any uneven looking cuts. Groomers also have shampoo that gets rid of fleas as well, and u might want to check what they use

i like frontline, but its a little oily so you cant pet ur dog w/o getting oil on ur hands for 2 days, but it works. I recommend asking the vet first though, before u try anything

Can i groom my shitz zu?

You can do it yourself but it takes some skill, proper electric trimmers and a way to secure the dog properly. If you haven't done it before and don't have the equipment , I'd recommend using a groomer. Shih Tzus need grooming every 4-6 weeks. They will also bathe him, trim his nails and if needed, express the anal glands (and I'd just assume pay someone else to do that!).

For fleas, use Frontline Plus or Advantage every month - they are the only products that really work

Can i groom my shitz zu?

do you mean Shih Tzu?

The poor dog. If your dog has fleas, you can't just treat the dog, you also have to treat the house. Wash all blankets, sheets, and you have to use a flea treater on your carpets. Ask your pet shop. You will not be able to completely get rid of the fleas unless you do this.

Sure you can groom your dog yourself, but it will likely look awful and uneven. Dogs generally don't stand still, so it will be very difficult unless you're trained. Groomers also have leash type holds for the neck to prevent squirming. I wouldn't recommend using clippers unless you know what you're doing.

I recommend professional grooming. Or, ask if you can sit in and watch.

Can i groom my shitz zu?

You need to bomb your house in 2 week intervals and get a spray for your yard. Anyplace your pooch has been. For every 1 flea you see there are 50 you don't.

The hair and beard clipper won't work as the blades are meant for human hair and not fur. You can cut the hair with a metal comb just like a barber does. Cut quite a bit of the length off first, bathe with diluted dog shampoo and rinse, rinse, rinse.

Make sure all soap is out. Put a

towel on your washer, tie your leash and collar to a skrew eye in a stud in the wall, just like a grooming noose. Brush up toe to elbow while blow drying on low heat. You will see all the mats when the dog is wet. Those need to be cut out carefully. Don't stretch the skin or you'll cut the dog. After brushing, comb to the skin in the reverse direction. The comb will hit anymore tangles and snip these out. Then continue to trim it when it is completely dry. Cut hair in the direction of growth. Practice makes perfect and it's not rocket science, you can do it.

Can i groom my shitz zu?

you CAN groom your shih tzu yourself...but trust me... i tried it..mine looked like i cut her hair with the weed wacker for a few weeks lol it wasn't i just take her and have it done, it only costs me about 22 dollars so its well worth it. as far as fleas. if your little one is like mine they seem to be attracted to her like crazy....i use frontline on her and i give her a capstar if i start seeing fleas on her between applications, and this year is the first time ive ever saw fleas between frontline applications. they are really bad this year, but after you treat your doggy you'll have to clean the entire house, top to bottom, set off flea bombs first...then wash her bedding and anything she has slept on or spent time around..just do a very thorough cleaning, and in a week to 10 days you'll probably have to do it again unless you get a bomb that kills eggs as will be a long battle to get rid of the fleas but once you do the frontline and capstar will keep them gone. good luck :)

Can i groom my shitz zu?

since shitz zus have long hair, u might want to go to a professional groomer so you won't get any uneven looking cuts. Groomers also have shampoo that gets rid of fleas as well, and u might want to check what they use

i like frontline, but its a little oily so you cant pet ur dog w/o getting oil on ur hands for 2 days, but it works. I recommend asking the vet first though, before u try anything

Can i groom my shitz zu?

I have my shih tzu professionally groomed every 2 months. Without all the proper equipment, such as a grooming table and clippers, the job can be back-breaking for you and dangerous for the dog if he happens to jump. I have, however, given my dog touch ups. It is good to keep the hair away from the eyes so they don't get gooey. Good luck.

Can i groom my shitz zu?

They keep coming back because flea shampoo does not work.

Groom your dog yourself if you must, but do not try to treat fleas with pet store products, because you'll never get anywhere, it doesn't work. You MUST pick up a proper treatment from your vets, like Frontline. Get it on your dog's skin, not fur, and do not bath before applying it or it won't work.


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